Thursday, January 31, 2013

Welcome - A request - Msg 2

The group is for fun, but we do ask a few small things.

1. Please provide a note card with a back story describing how you became a Princess In Exile.  This can be as simple or complex as you desire. It is suggested that it be written with the idea of presenting it to new members of the group as a sort of introduction.

2. We love images, so if you have one that shows you in full Princess dress - preferably as a full permission texture-, by all means transfer it to one of the Administrative staff, or an Ad-PIE ><giggle><.  We will try to include it in the official Gallery of Princesses that will be in the lower chambers of the PIE Castle.

3. Tell other Princesses.  Everyone needs to wear their tiara often, and this is the perfect place to do it.  Where you wear it is your decision, but we do encourage it at the Castle.

4. And this is probably the most important.  HAVE FUN!  Make suggestions for events or activities you might enjoy, but remember this is a G-rated site.  Please watch your language and wear appropriate clothing (in accordance with SL guidlines for G-rated activities).


You should take a picture of me now.

I don't have anything more to say.

As my sister Princesses will attest....that doesn't happen very often.


Princess Tessa: Contessa.Lacombe
Princess Celeste:Celeste.Twig
Princess Amanda:SusanBranch.Resident

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